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Exploring the relationship between orthostatic hypertension and diabetes mellitus: a literature review
Diabetes mellitus is a swiftly escalating health problem both nationally and internationally. Diabetic neuropathy, a prominent microvascular complication of diabetes, frequently occurs. Autonomic cardiac neuropathy, which arises from diabetic neuropathy, is a substantial cause of mortality and morbidity. It is also linked with orthostatic hypertension, a condition characterized by an abnormal increase in blood pressure upon standing. There is, however, no consensus on the clinical and pathological characteristics of orthostatic hypertension. Blood pressure and pulse display a circadian rhythm, varying throughout the day. This literature review seeks to explore the intricate relationship between diabetes mellitus and orthostatic hypertension. Special attention is given to the potential impact of circadian rhythm on these conditions, as this aspect could provide essential insights into the disease mechanism and patient management. The review will cover the existing literature, aiming to identify knowledge gaps and illuminate potential areas for future research. Such exploration could lead to the development of enhanced preventive measures and therapeutic strategies, improving patient outcomes in these prevalent and interconnected conditions.

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Volume 7, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 137-142