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Original Article
Investigation of the relationship between borderline personality organization and perceived abuse experiences in romantic relationships: moderating role of rejection sensitivity
Aims: The study aims to determine the moderator role of rejection sensitivity in the relationship between borderline personality organization and perceived abuse experiences in romantic relationships.
Methods: In this study, which has a relational screening model, participants were reached by convenience sampling. Participants consisted of 116 (30.1%) men and 270 (69.9%) women aged 18-45 (M=27.95±7.25), who participated in the study voluntarily. Data collecting tools are the socio-demographic data form, Borderline Personality Questionnaire (BPQ), Adulth Rejection Sensitivity Scale (ARSS), and Romantic Relationship Assessment Inventory (RRAI).
Results: It was concluded that rejection sensitivity has a moderating role in the relationship between borderline personality organization and perceived abuse experiences in romantic relationships. Also, it has been determined that a decrease in education level is associated with a higher level of borderline personality organization and perceived abuse experiences in romantic relationships.
Conclusion: Findings show that it may be beneficial to target rejection sensitivity in psychotherapeutic practices in order to prevent individuals with borderline personality organization from being harmed in romantic relationships and to increase their romantic relationship quality.

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Volume 7, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 259-263