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Original Article
Distribution and antifungal susceptibility profiles of Candida species isolated from dermatomycosis patients
Aims: Superficial mycoses are the most common dermatological diseases worldwide, and the causes are becoming increasingly resistant to antifungal agents used in treatment. The aim of our study was to identify the yeast species causing superficial mycoses and determine their susceptibilities to some antifungal agents.
Methods: Skin and nail scraping samples obtained from 726 patients with suspected superficial fungal infection were collected and examined by direct microscopy and culture. Isolates were identified by conventional methods and API ID32 C (Biomeriux, France) commercial kits. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of isolates against itraconazole, miconazole, nystatin, and terbinafine antifungals were determined by microdilution method.
Results: A total of 59 yeasts were isolated from the samples. The most frequently isolated species were Candida glabrata (n=31, 52.54%), Candida guillermondii (n=9, 15.25%), and Candida albicans (n=7, 11.86%). In terms of infection sites, the most common involvement was observed in the foot (n=39, 66.1%) and nails (n=16, 27.1%). In terms of their antifungal susceptibilities, the highest resistance was detected against terbinafine (35.6%) and itraconazole (33.9%). Multidrug resistance was observed among strains of the Candida species (n=17, 28.8%).
Conclusion: The most striking results of this study can be summarized as high rates of Candida glabrata isolation, increase in resistance rates, and a prevalence of 28.8% multidrug resistance. This data once again emphasize the importance of isolation, identification, and antifungal susceptibility testing in the diagnosis and effective treatment of superficial mycoses.

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Volume 7, Issue 3, 2024
Page : 290-295