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The effectiveness of kinesio taping in addition to conventional treatment in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomized controlled trial
Aims: This study aimed to compare the effects of kinesio taping in combination with conventional treatment on pain intensity, lumbar range of motion (ROM) and flexibility, disability, and depression levels in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) with conventional treatment alone.
Methods: The 48 individuals with CLBP included in the trial were randomized into the control group (CG, n=24) and the kinesio taping group (KTG, n=24). The CG received only conventional treatment for four weeks, while the KTG received kinesio taping for four weeks in addition to conventional treatment. Before and after the four-week treatment periods, patients were assessed with respect to pain intensity (visual analogue scale), lumbar ROM (goniometric measurement), flexibility (hand-ground distance), disability (Oswestry disability index), and depression (Beck depression inventory).
Results: After the treatment programs, there were significant improvements in pain intensity, lumbar ROM and flexibility, disability, and depression levels in both the CG and KTG groups (p<0.05). Furthermore, improvements in pain intensity, lumbar ROM and flexibility, disability, and depression levels were significantly higher in CTG compared to CG (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Conventional treatment of CLBP is effective in improving pain, lumbar ROM and flexibility, disability, and depression levels, but further improvement can be achieved with the additional application of kinesio taping.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, 2024
Page : 564-570