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Evaluation of family physicians’ knowledge, attitudes and awareness on orthodontic treatments and oral health
Aims: Aims: This study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of family physicians regarding orthodontic treatments and oral health, which are primary aspects of general healthcare services.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in 2023 with the participation of 309 family physicians from Diyarbakır and surrounding provinces. A total of 20 questions, including 16 questions to assess knowledge of orthodontic treatments and oral health, and 4 sociodemographic questions, were administered online to the participating physicians.
Results: Among the physicians who participated in the study, 69.58% had over six years of professional experience, and 65.05% examined more than 51 patients per day. It was observed that 33.01% of the physicians had knowledge about orthodontic treatments. Of the physicians in our study, 24.92% recommended an annual oral and dental examination, while 32.36% reported that they referred patients with observed dental crowding during clinical examinations to an orthodontist/specialist. A statistically significant relationship was found between professional experience and both orthodontic awareness and the likelihood of providing oral hygiene care recommendations to patients (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Regular in-service training sessions should be provided to family physicians to enhance their knowledge and awareness of oral and dental health, orthodontic malocclusions, and preventive and interceptive treatments.

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Volume 8, Issue 1, 2025
Page : 18-28