Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine (JHSM) is an unbiased, peer-reviewed, and open access international medical journal. The Journal publishes interesting clinical and experimental research conducted in all fields of medicine, interesting case reports, and clinical images, invited reviews, editorials, letters, comments, and related knowledge.

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Full Issue

Original Article - Dermatology

Does intranasal Demodex infestation play a role in allergic rhinitis?

: 35 : 13

Citation : Can İ, Şapaloğlu NC, Keleş H, Göçer Gürok N, Sakallıoğlu Ö, Öztürk S. Does intranasal Demodex infestation play a role in allergic rhinitis? J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):1-3.

: 14 : 11

Citation : Taşkent İ, Küpeli A. Evaluation of the relationship between body fat distribution and abdominal aorta calcified plaques with computed tomography. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):4-9.

Original Article - Nutrition and Dietetics

: 10 : 8

Citation : Baygut H. Food neophobia in the elderly: evaluation of constipation, malnutrition, and nutrition. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):10-17.

Original Article - Dentistry

: 11 : 10

Citation : Kavasoğlu N, Giray Tekin G, Çetin SG. Evaluation of family physicians’ knowledge, attitudes and awareness on orthodontic treatments and oral health. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):18-28.

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

: 18 : 8

Citation : Sivas MC, Ohanoğlu Çetinel K, Ayhan İİ. The effect of intrapartum labor induction with oxytocin on maternal depression scoring in early postpartum period: a retrospective cohort study. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):29-33.

Original Article - Dentistry

Comparison of mechanical properties of polyethylene and polyurethane blocks as model materials for in vitro cortical bone modelling

: 37 : 16

Citation : Ciğerim L, Tatar K, Çınarsoy Ciğerim S, Kahraman NH, Feslihan E, Kaplan V. Comparison of mechanical properties of polyethylene and polyurethane blocks as model materials for in vitro cortical bone modelling. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):34-39.

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Perinatal outcomes of patients who underwent cervical cerclage and their relationship to systemic inflammatory indices

: 25 : 11

Citation : Karabay G, Şeyhanlı Z, Filiz AA, et al. Perinatal outcomes of patients who underwent cervical cerclage and their relationship to systemic inflammatory indices. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):40-46.

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Is there an association between the serum zonulin concentration and the occurrence of PPROM?

: 40 : 16

Citation : Atalay Mert Ş, Aktemur G, Kınay T, Keskin HL. Is there an association between the serum zonulin concentration and the occurrence of PPROM? J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):47-51.

: 7 : 8

Citation : Duran S, Yetiş A. Relationship between triglyceride-glucose index and intravenous thrombolysis outcomes for acute ischemic stroke. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):52-56.

Original Article - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

: 13 : 7

Citation : Acet N, Beğen S, Esmer M. Does smartphone addiction affect cervical mobility, head posture, body awareness and pain pressure threshold? J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):57-62.

Original Article - Endocrinology

Changes in body composition and muscle strength in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty during gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy

: 9 : 14

Citation : Donbaloğlu Z, Singin B, Barsal Çetiner E, et al. Changes in body composition and muscle strength in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty during gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist therapy. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):63-69.

Original Article - Neurology

: 8 : 10

Citation : Baran G, Öner ÖG. Factors affecting sexual dysfunction in hemifacial spasm. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):70-74.

: 8 : 12

Citation : Ünsal H, Akalın Ertürk B. Characteristics of pediatric patients with chronic cough: data from a pediatric immunology and allergy outpatient clinic. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):75-79.

: 34 : 15

Citation : Yılmaz ES, Kalaycı HÖ. Evaluation of the in vitro efficacy of ceftazidime-avibactam against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from respiratory tract cultures in intensive care units. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):80-84.

Original Article - Chest Diseases

Efficacy of serum lactate/albumin ratio as a prognostic biomarker in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia

: 8 : 9

Citation : Kırıcı Berber N, Korkmaz Dişli Z, Acun Delen L, Şahin Gür L, Yetişgen A, Berber İ. Efficacy of serum lactate/albumin ratio as a prognostic biomarker in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):85-90.

Original Article - Psychiatry

: 11 : 9

Citation : Öztürk Hİ, Sarı F. Analysis of the Turkish informative videos for gambling disorder on Youtube. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):91-96.

Original Article - Nutrition and Dietetics

: 8 : 8

Citation : Kaya Kaçar H, Köse ED, Okuyucu K. Voices from a healthy life centre: a qualitative investigation of clients’ nutrition and physical activity experiences. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):97-102.

Original Article - Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Effect of suprainguinal fascia iliaca block on recovery quality after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized controlled, double-blind, multicenter study

: 13 : 9

Citation : Satıcı MH, Tutar MS, Tire Y, et al. Effect of suprainguinal fascia iliaca block on recovery quality after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized controlled, double-blind, multicenter study. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):103-108.

Original Article - Gastroenterology

: 40 : 13

Citation : Demirci S, Sezer S, Uçmak Vural G, Yüksel M, Gökbulut V. Incidental focal 18F-FDG uptake in colorectal locations on PET/CT for oncologic reasons: pathologic correlation with endoscopic finding. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):109-114.

Original Article - Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

: 9 : 8

Citation : Bezgin S, Kuyulu S, Atıcı A. Investigation of the effect of video-based game application on acute pain in children under surgery. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):115-118.

: 13 : 8

Citation : Boğa E. The impact of hyperglycemia on mortality in the emergency department: a comparison of diabetic and non-diabetic patients. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):119-125.

Original Article - Neurology

: 12 : 8

Citation : Çiçekli E, Kotan D. C-reactive protein/albumin ratio as a prognostic biomarker in myasthenia gravis. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):126-131.

Original Article - Orthopaedics and Traumatology

An analysis of online searches of femoroacetabular impingement patients

: 9 : 11

Citation : Türemiş C, Aydın M, Eryılmaz A, Eravşar NB, Sürücü S. An analysis of online searches of femoroacetabular impingement patients. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):132-137.

Original Article - Anesthesiology and Reanimation

: 11 : 8

Citation : Yurtkulu G, Evran T, Sungurtekin H. Evaluation of clinical outcomes with the modified nutritional risk score in critically ill patients. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):138-145.

: 10 : 9

Citation : Burç E, Özal C, Günel MK. Assessment tools for evaluating body structure-function and activity in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: a systematic review of instrumented assessments according to ICF-CY. J Health Sci Med. 2025;8(1):146-155.